Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tips On Preparing For Your De-Tox

I use a natural, biodegradable vegetable wash to clean fruits and vegetables.
You can find this at most any grocery/health food store.

Taking a few minutes to do some prep work when you get home for the store makes juicing and preparing your meals a lot easier!

Tip For At Home Juicing:
Use a plastic produce bag to line the compartment of the juicer that takes all the “non” used portions of the veggies/fruit. It makes clean-up much faster!

Preparing Produce:
For things like kale and spinach I wash right away. Tear leaves off the stalks (they are very thick, and it’s easy to pull the leaves off.) I wash the whole bunch and let it dry for a while. You can then roll gently in paper towels or a clean cloth to absorb extra moisture. Store in the fridge, loosely, in a plastic bag (I use the bags from the produce section) with a few paper towels to help absorb the extra moisture.)
It’s much easier to have this type of veggie ready to go when you are ready to juice or make your salad or soup.
I also wash my carrots, celery, etc. and cut up and store in the fridge. I wash apples but don’t cut them until I’m ready to juice them. 

Fruits like oranges and grapefruits and strawberries I clean with the wash as well and let dry. 
For citrus fruits you want to quarter the fruit, then “cut” out the flesh of the fruit. It’s fine to have some of the white “pith” remain. It’s actually healthy and froths up the juice.

All veggies and fruit should be stored in the refrigerator.

Freeze red or green seedless grapes for a crunchy treat.

If juicing you want to drink the juice right away. It can sit for a few minutes but not long. If you see separation going on you can pour in and out of 2 glasses a few times to “mix” it up.

Healthy Grains And Soups

Prepare soup in advance so you can heat up when you need it. (Great to take to work.)

Make up a few batches of your healthy grain of choice.

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